Part of my struggle has been my desperate need to hang on to this "identity" or "me time". Not that I hate spending time with my kids- but I just really feel like I'm important and deserve to have quiet time, or a nap, or a long bath. I've been spoiled with a husband who was unemployed and home to give me those luxuries. But the more spoiled I got the harder it came to connect with my kids and to feel motherly affection for them. This is hard to admit but I really have had moments where I resent them and just long for the days when I could do whatever I wanted! But oh how sad that life would be. I look at friends and family who struggle with bearing children, and I remember the days when it was hard to conceive Connor and I want to hit myself upside the head. This is the biggest thing I have ever done and will ever do. I will never regret losing those hours of sleep to comfort my kids instead of berate them for waking up early. And watching a video today on motherhood helped me realize where I've been lacking- faith. I feel like this phase will never end, I get angry that I'm SUPPOSED to be enjoying this but I'm too tired to see straight. But maybe if I had a little more faith that the Lord would strengthen me and make my burdens lighter- I'd be a better person, a better mother and a better daughter of God. This is the life I dreamed of for years. I went through many trials to come to this day when I'd be happily married with beautiful children. And while we still struggle, we have no money- we live at home, and we feel we'll never be able to be independent...we are SO blessed. We have a happy and fulfilling marriage full of communication and love. We have children who are healthy, smart, happy and get LOTS of attention. We have our health and strength. We have our education which can never be taken away. We have families who love us and support us. We have programs that have made it possible for our kids to have insurance and healthy food while we are in a time of our lives where we cannot provide those things on our own. Many people judge and turn their nose up to people like us who have to have Medicaid. But we have done all we can on our end in this life to be successful people. We went to school, we've applied for jobs all over, I work from home doing two jobs and have lots of pressure to make ends meet. If we didn't have those benefits our stresses would be much higher. They are a blessing to us and we know that in time we will more than make up for the assistance we've received.
I wish he'd lend me some. I know that if I try harder to teach him and be his friend that his energy will be channeled and he'll be happier- and so will I.
I love my dear tender Parker and how much he adores me.
He's a momma's boy through and through and loves to hang on my leg, crawling along with me or walking along with my leg. He loves to be snuggled and OH how I love this! He is my reward for surviving Connor thus far who has been so busy and hyper! Parker is my mellow quiet sweet friend who will hopefully always want to hug me.
I am so blessed to have a husband I adore. I cannot say in words how much I love this man. He is my best friend, and someone I cannot wait to spend eternity with. He is an amazing father to our kids and full of patience and understanding. He is sweet to me and helps me be a patient mother. He talks to me and shares his feelings with me and we have no problem talking about any topic. We support each other and know each other on such a wonderful level. I don't doubt our longevity for a moment. We will make it no matter what comes our way!
This post was not going to be this long but I guess it's a result of feeling the spirit so strongly and needing to verbalize all my feelings! I can't wait to post about the Tyrrel Times and our adventures!!!
Ha! Thank you for the sweet, sweet compliment! I assure you, I do not have it all together. :) But thank you. It's so nice to hear that about yourself. XOXO!