Match made in heaven.

Match made in heaven.

Our crazy brood!

Our crazy brood!


Connor- 5 years old and has always kept us on our toes!


Parker Tyrrel 3 1/2 going on 30


Felicity Kate- the Princess


Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 2- still new!

Today was a great day. I honestly did nothing but be a mom when the kids were awake! This was not some effort to be supermom-rather I had no motivation to leave the house! I had such a nice relaxing day doing some tidying up in their room while they played, and doing what they wanted to do.  It was quite a nice change! The boys have such a fun room. Parker sleeps in a storage room but he plays in Connor's room and they love being in there together. Parker starts to climb up the slide but when he sees Connor at the top, ready to come down he crawls down so fast and gets out of the way! Too many times of being slid into! He's so smart and funny and knows how to fight back with his brother when Connor gets abusive or overly physical. It's hilarious to see them hit each other!  I know that I shouldn't be entertained by it but there will be many more years to get annoyed over it. Right now it's just amusing!

We had a great family home evening tonight too. We got the kids ready for bed and bundled them up. We got a treat at the Kneader's drive through and drove to the temple.  Connor wanted to climb the stairs so bad and started asking in the very beginning of the drive. I figured ok what the heck.  Won't hurt anything! They temple was totally quiet and nobody was walking around at all. Connor and I ran to the steps and I let him climb to the top. One of the cutest sweetest things Connor has EVER said happened a few weeks ago in my mom's car. We drove by the temple and I said, "Where are you getting married?" He said promptly, "In the temple!" I then said out of curiosity, "Who are you marrying in the temple?" He said "The PRINCESS!!!" I almost cried it was the sweetest thing I've ever heard! So tonight he said "Where's the princess???" Oh his sweet small mind...I love it. I can't wait to tell his wife someday!

Overall- a great day. I'm tired. We woke up at 6:30 which is an improvement over 5:30 but WAY too early still!

Here's to a longer sleep tonight!

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