Match made in heaven.

Match made in heaven.

Our crazy brood!

Our crazy brood!


Connor- 5 years old and has always kept us on our toes!


Parker Tyrrel 3 1/2 going on 30


Felicity Kate- the Princess


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Day 3- a little late but better than nothing

Last night I was BURNED OUT because of our long day spent in Cedar.  I have no idea why I wanted to go- maybe my childhood fear of ever being left out of a fun event including my aunts and uncles...but I said I wanted to take both kids to Cedar with my mom and aunt Michelle to go to lunch for my aunt Jill's birthday.  I have a great friend Marilyn who was very kind to watch my kids for an hour or so while I went to the lunch making it much more enjoyable than if they'd gone.  But the drive up was loud with Parker's shrill shriek and Connor whining for things off and on. I was sitting behind them in Michelle's van and thankful I wasn't in front of them to hear their noises...but man it didn't take long for me to regret going altogether! My ears were popping non stop because I'm recovering from a stupid sinus infection/head cold.  We had fun at Marilyn's but Connor was into everything and rarely relaxed long enough for us to have a decent conversation. I was one of "those moms" that had to cut off Marilyn talking to say "CONNOR WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I used to hate that when I was younger...grrr now I'm doing it! We played in the snow a little and that was Connor's dream come true. I bought him some snow pants last week online and he LOVED making snow angels and throwing snow balls...or clumps. He's so funny and I can see how he mimics what he's seen on his tv shows. Is this a bad thing? I don't know. Anyway then we went to grandma "A-raynes" as Connor calls her. I was frazzled and at my wits end after 2 minutes there. Both kids were crawling or running all over the place, going into rooms they shouldn't, disappearing in the blink of an eye, or just plain ignoring me. My mom got mad telling me I was being too stressed out but oh my GOSH. Do anyone's kids act this way or is it just lucky ole me? Thankfully my grandma told me as we were leaving that she thought my boys were adorable and she had loved watching them. I'm glad it hadn't given her a nervous conniption!

We drove home which was crazy annoying but we made it through and had breakfast for dinner. Amazing how much calmer I felt being in my own home where I knew my kids were safe and couldn't break things or fall down stairs.  We had fun playing for a bit then got the kids down for bed early since Connor had NO nap and Parker had only slept about an hour at Marilyn's house.

Bad moments- I yelled at both kids today out of sheer frustration. I feel really bad about this now...
Good moments- Having a quiet lunch and then playing in the snow with my boys and seeing their joy. And later playing on the floor in the kitchen with Parker and seeing his face light up when I was at his level.

Hard day- good moments!

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